Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy

Michael's Blog

Embrace Simplicity: Two Practices to Transform Your Day and Life awareness breath michaelleeyoga nextrightthing phoenix rising pryt transformation Jul 23, 2024

In the fast-paced rhythm of our daily lives, finding moments of calm and clarity can seem challenging. However, engaging in two simple practices when needed can make a profound difference: taking one deep breath and doing the next right thing.

Just Take One Breath

Itā€™s so simple yet so powerful. P...

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Thanksgiving with Buddha: Embodying Awareness at Your Table acceptance awareness buddha embodied gratitude joy let thranksgiving Nov 10, 2023

Imagine if you could invite the Buddha to your Thanksgiving celebration this year. What qualities wouldĀ come to the table, even without saying a word or interfering? While we can't physically invite the Buddha, we can embody the awareness the Buddha represents, as it resides within us, waiting to aw...

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