Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy

Michael's Blog

Five Ways Couples Yoga Will Improve Your Relationship acceptance awakening celebratevalentines compassion connection couples couplestherapy happiness listening present centered awareness yogatherapy Feb 06, 2023

“We are creatures of habit more than we are creatures of change," goes the well-worn quote by AJ Darkholme.    This tendency to stick with what is known and established is true in many aspects of our lives, including our close relationships and in particular, our marriages.

For some, this is not a ...

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Partner Yoga or Couples Yoga Therapy? celebratevalentines connection couplestherapy michaelleeyoga partneryoga valentines yogatherapy Jan 23, 2023

Most yogis, at some time or other, have tried partner yoga.  It’s a lot of fun and can be a great way to connect with another body and explore different shapes and ways to support each other in yoga postures. 

It can also be so much more.  When a yoga therapist facilitates partner yoga with the cle...

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