Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy

Michael's Blog

How to Discern Wise Choices in Life buddhism choices discernment wisdom wise action wise choices Apr 09, 2022

"How do I know if my life choices are wise ones?'

Here's what might be considered the two most important criteria from a Buddhist perspective 

First -whatever the choice was it would lead to no harm to themself or to others.  

This one is pretty straightforward and it's usually easy to pick up on...

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Making Wise Choices in Turbulent Times: How to stay out of the weeds and navigate life in the absence of predictability choices discernment felt sense resilience stress trust uncertainty wisdom wise action wise choices Mar 31, 2022

There's a lot of talk about the need for resilience these days. And indeed, those who have it will generally bounce back after a rough time better than those who don't. But is resilience all that's needed?   Other things are vital also. These include awareness, discernment, wise action, and the capa...

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Come here to now - A poem here now letting go of fear living in the moment michael lee present centered awareness the gift of now Feb 23, 2022


By Michael Lee


“Come here,” she said,

As I looked death in her eye.

No, not yet your time, she said,

I call you instead to come to visit

Here to know me

But fear me not.

Let me remind you though,

Come here to this moment. 

Life happens now

And I’m calling you “here”

Here to now.


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Dear Valentine - All you need is love! Love, love! celebratevalentines michael lee yoga partneryoga the gift of presence valentines valentines gift valentines gift idea Feb 01, 2022

It’s been a tough couple of years for many of us, with the strain and stresses of these extraordinary times affecting many aspects of our lives, including our relationships. As Valentine’s Day approaches this year, you might be asking how you can rejuvenate your relationship in some unique way. You ...

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